2. Convene a Leadership Team
- Once it is determined that there is critical mass to support a club, enlist additional alumni to assist in the planning and execution process.
- A minimum of two officers/board members, with separate individuals fulfilling the roles of President and Treasurer, is required to proceed. The President must be a degreed alumnus/alumna of Wharton. In certain circumstances, the President may be a degreed alumnus/alumna of Penn with approval from the Wharton School. Additional information on required and recommended club officer roles can be found here.
- The recommended number of leaders is five to 15 volunteers. The majority of the leadership team must be Wharton or Penn alumni.
- The leadership team must meet at least once a year, but should plan to meet more frequently when getting started. Minutes should be recorded during these meetings.
- The leadership team should agree on the goals and objectives of the club and brainstorm an initial list of potential activities. Clubs are required to hold at least two events per year. The recommendation is to hold events at least quarterly.