Wharton is excited to offer your club new and improved website tools! Our team will connect with you regarding timing for your club’s website transition. Here are some things you can do in the meantime to get started.
Review and sign our new participation agreement.
Our participation agreement has been updated to reflect our new website platform. We’ll need your club to review and sign the new agreement before beginning work on your website.
Transfer management of your website domain to Wharton.
To move your website to the new platform, we will need to access website and email settings that currently point to your OmniMagnet website. Contact our team to get started. Website domain management is also an ongoing benefit to your club! Wharton will cover domain renewal fees and manage your club’s email recipients moving forward.
Do a website audit.
Update outdated content in president’s letters, welcome messages, mission statements, board or officer lists, bylaws, and member benefits pages. Make a list of website features and sections you no longer use (e.g. Forums, News) and the ones you use most frequently.
Collect images, videos, and other media.
There are new options for larger images, video widgets and other media on the new platform! Start collecting content now that you’ll want to feature on your new website.
Choose an option to accept online payments.
Our new website platform supports an expanded list of payment processors. Contact our team to receive information about these options.
Make a plan to move old website content.
Wharton will work with your club during the transition to move content from the past year, and we can connect you with resources to help move older content.
Connect with your Wharton club liaison to start planning your transition.
Your staff liaison can advise your club on timing and help you develop a website transition plan.
If you are not currently on Wharton’s website platform, you can still begin planning your new website. See our website launch checklist for new clubs to get started. We look forward to working with you!