A strong leadership team is essential to the success and sustainability of a club. Building a successful leadership team requires thought and planning around the following areas:
- Club Officer Job Descriptions
- Committees and Advisory Boards
- Succession Planning
- Stewardship of Volunteers
Clubs should actively and continuously plan and reflect on the succession of club officers. Your bylaws must include information on the succession process and specify officer term limits. Within a succession plan, it is important to outline the profile, qualifications, and priorities for the next club leader.
Use the tools below to shape your succession plan.
Succession Planning Tools
These guides provide onboarding and offboarding checklists for club leadership, as well as best practices and suggestions to help you plan for the continued success of your club. Please reach out to your staff liaison to let them know of the leadership change.
Club President Onboarding Guide
Incoming presidents should review this guide during a leadership transition. This guide covers the basics of a leadership transition, but more specific guidelines might be needed for your club.
Club President Offboarding Guide
Outgoing presidents should review this guide prior to transitioning their role.
Club Election Best Practices
Online Elections
The Wharton Global Clubs Team recommends using Wufoo or Qualtrics for online elections. For more information, or help setting up an online election, please contact your staff liaison.
In-person Election Guide and Sample Ballot
Best when used in a board election, rather than a general membership election.
Suggested Communications Timeline
Refer to this guide for sample a timeline of possible election communications.
Club Election Case Study
Use this manual, which includes resources for voting and communication templates, as a guide to help manage the election process.