1.2 Managing Your Website


Keep your website content fresh and interactive - Club websites aren’t static brochures. Instead, the best club websites present a few concrete opportunities for alumni to get immediately involved. NationBuilder websites provide over 30 different page templates designed to prompt specific actions like signing up, volunteering, registering for events, recruiting friends, making a suggestion, etc. Here are some best practices for building your website:

  • Your ladder of engagement - Brainstorm your club’s ladder of engagement by ranking the main actions alumni can take via your website, from “easiest” to “hardest.” For example, JOIN < ATTEND AN EVENT < VOLUNTEER TO HOST AN EVENT is a common ladder of engagement. When alumni ask how they can get involved, your answer is clear and your website reflects this.
  • Delegate point persons - Specific types of involvement can be easily delegated to club officers by defining point persons for each page type. For example, your Secretary could be the point person for your club’s JOIN page, your Social Chair might be the point person for your club’s EVENT pages, and your President might be the point person for a VOLUNTEER page. Each time someone signs-up via these pages, the respective point person will be notified so they can follow up as needed.
  • Define tags for each webpage - Just as you set up tags for your events, you should also define tags for each page on your website. This gives you an easy way to keep track of who’s joining, registering for events, or volunteering.
  • Learn more - http://nationbuilder.com/ht_website