Sending Your NationBuilder Welcome Email
Step 1: Create a blast
1. From the Communication menu, select “New Email Blast.”
2. Enter a name, a slug and description. A slug is the name of your email. Leave an optional short description or note in the “Description” text box.
3. If your email contains links to your website, consider checking the provided checkbox. When checked, forms on your website will auto-populate with information from the person’s profile.
4. Click . You will be directed to the “Theme” section of your email.
Step 2: Select a Custom Theme
1. Under “Theme,” select one of two custom themes created for Wharton Clubs.
For a basic email, select “Wharton Alumni Basic Email Theme” as shown below.
Step 3: Add Content
Enter content and images for your email blast under the "Body" section of your blast.
1. Choose the “From” name and enter a subject line.
2. Copy and paste your email text from Word. Move your cursor to the spot where you want your text.
Step 4: Add Recipients
Select recipients for your email.
1. To email everyone in your database, choose the following settings:
Note: in the future, you can select recipients based on a list, tag, or saved filter. This allows you to send targeted emails to specific groups.
Step 5: Preview and send your email
Send yourself a test email before you send your blast. Enter the email of your choice in the text box. Click “Send test email.”
There are two options to send:
1. Send immediately: Click "send email to to XXXX people" to send your email blast immediately. This button will always display the number of recipients.
Once you have sent your email, view the results by going to the "Recipients" or "Dashboard" areas of your blast.
2. Schedule your email: If you want to schedule your email for a later time, click "Schedule".
A pop-up box will appear. Select a date and time. The delivery must be scheduled at least one hour in the future. Click “Schedule” to confirm.
Click on the Date/Time to adjust the scheduled time.
Enter a new date or time and click “Schedule” to save your changes.
Click unschedule to cancel your blast. View all scheduled emails by going to Wharton Club of [Your Club] > Email > Scheduled.