Wharton Club Leadership Conference Recap
Club leaders from 26 clubs gathered in Philadelphia on February 26, 2016 for a day of networking, sharing best practices, and strategy discussions.
Here are the conference materials and additional information on some of the best practices shared by your fellow club leaders.
Conference Materials:
- Welcome Remarks
- Obtaining Sponsorship
- Website Platform
- Lunch
- Increasing and Maintaining Members - Joint Session with Penn
- Succession Planning
Additional Information:
Business Radio Powered by the Wharton School, Sirius XM Channel 111
Wharton Club of New Jersey Sponsorship Materials:
- Ken Drossman’s Notes for Panel Presentation
- Tiered Sponsorship Model
- Template for Sponsorship Agreement
- Template for Sponsor Implementation Guide (tailored to each level of sponsorship)
Wharton Club of the UK Election - Candidate Webinar
How You Can Get Involved - from Lori Rosenkopf, Vice Dean, Wharton Undergraduate Division
Business Schools with Most Alums in Silicon Valley Leadership Jobs - Wharton is #2!