Merging Duplicate Accounts

In the event that someone in your database has two different accounts, it is easy to merge them.

1. On the Dashboard, search for one of their accounts.




Most often, the multiple profiles that match your search keywords will appear in the results.



2.  Click on one of the profiles and then click on “Merge Duplicates”.   




3. Often, the system will give an automated suggestion of a similar account. If it does not do so, you can type the name into the dropdown box, and merge the records. Click on “Select Duplicate” and type in the name of the person whose profiles you want to merge. Any potential matches will show as per the picture below:



4. Select the duplicate profile and click “Merge Records”. A green banner will appear across the top informing you that the  merge completed successfully. 




Another way to search for any possible duplicates in your database, is by navigate to People > More > Potential matches. NationBuilder will show you the profiles it believes are duplicates, and you can merge them from this page. Please see below. 




If you have any questions about how to merge duplicates in your database, please contact us at [email protected].