Customizing Event Autoresponses

Upon RSVPing for an event, Nationbuilder sends an email response:




An RSVP Confirmation:

This is a message that contains event information and can be customized per individual event. Clubs are highly encouraged to customize event RSVP autoresponses. This is a great tool to communicate event-specific information and instructions to guests prior to the event.

1. To edit this page, navigate to overall Website > Events > [Your particular event] > Event Settings

2. Next, navigate to the Autoresponses tab to edit the content of the message.   


3. The box titled “Automatically send person RSVPing an email” should be checked.

4. Please do not edit the liquid coding found between these brackets - {{ }}}.  It covers the basic details of the event and the ticket purchase details. Feel free to contact the Global Clubs team at [email protected] with any questions relating to the liquid coding.

5. The unedited auto-generated message appears with all basic information, in recipients inboxes.

6. You may want to make further text edits, relevant to your event, such as:

 -  Instructions on what to do with the RSVP confirmation email upon arrival

 -  Entrance instructions

 -  Any other information pertinent to the event

7. Remember to save the autoresponse email!