Wharton Club Leadership Conference 2018 Highlights
63 club leaders representing 39 clubs from 13 countries.
Gathered in New York City for the first time ever.
This year's conference set a new record for attendance and showed the tremendous collective impact of the Wharton Global Clubs Network. A huge thank you to the 63 club leaders who traveled from around the globe to join us in New York City this June! In a one-day program format before the Global Forum in New York, club leaders gathered to learn from one another, brainstorm challenges, and celebrate accomplishments.
A selection of notes and materials are included below. If you are interested in more details, please reach out to your staff liaison or the Global Clubs team at [email protected].
Conference Notes & Materials
- Conference Notes
- CLUBx Slide Deck
- State of the Clubs - executive summary of annual survey data
- Photo Gallery on Flickr